The Primary Difference Between Us Is Our Training

We Will Train Your Team In Key Elements

Keeping You In Control Of Your Destiny

We Won't Hold You Hostage Forever

So many companies lock you into long term contracts.  Worse, they redact their efforts if you discontinue them.  That's not what Dagaz is all about.  We can manage your ongoing efforts, but we are also happy to provide web training your staff on how to manage many of these operations within your own business.

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    SEO Training

Not all of SEO requires a certified technician. A lot of it does, sure, but some can be done with a little "know-how".  We will spend time with your team providing web training on how to correct redirects, format headers and titles, construct meta-tags, and more.  Dagaz is happy and willing to continue to provide those services, but also understands that some businesses want to limit the number of expenses.  We can be there for the bigger stuff too, and think you'll like us more if we don't try to hold you over a virtual barrel.

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    Post and Content Uploads

Content is a huge part of gaining ground with SEO, and for fully developing your web site.  Dagaz can provide your team with web training on how to research, structure and create content (including Graphic, Photos and Video) for upload to your site.  We can then show them how to upload it and publish it for viewing.

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    Social Media & Paid Social

Make no mistake about it, managing Social Media is a full time job.  And it's very likely that most companies will ask us to continue managing it for them.  But your company can definitely benefit from adding posts, feeds, stories and more to both shared pages and the company page.  We can help give guidance on creating the "look & feel" of those posts and scheduling.  Social Media Training will help maintain relevance, responsiveness and presence to the online community.

Would You Like To Start A Project With Us?

Our team is ready to get to work for you.  Let's talk about how we can help you accomplish your goals on your terms.

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